Saturday, April 5, 2008

A-Z Tag

I wasn't actually tagged with this one, but it looked really fun, so I thought I would do it anyway. So here goes...

A- Attached or Single: Attached. Chad and I have been married for 8 ½ years now!!
B - Best Friends: Based on who I currently stay in touch with, I would definitely say, Devin, my mother-in-law Vicki, and my baby sister Jaci. I was also lucky enough to grow up with one of the greatest best friends Amber. We have been through it all together.
C - Cake or Pie: I never really liked either, until I served my mission. In England, they seem to have dessert after every meal. I would have to say that is where I became a true pie fan. My pie of choice would probably be Pumpkin. Who says you can only have Pumpkin Pie on Thanksgiving.
D - Day of choice: Saturday!!! Every Friday night Hannah and I get so excited that I don’t have to go to work the next day. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but there is nothing better than spending the day with Chad and Hannah.
E - Essential Item: Camera.
F - Favorite Color: Blue.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: I am not really a fan of either. When I was 12 years old, my sister and I went on a trip with my parents and they bought us a 10 lb. bag of gummy bears. Needless to say, over the three day period, we ate the entire bag! Since then I haven’t really been able to eat gummy bears.
H - Hometown: Santee, CA. I lived in Santee, or East County my entire life until about 8 months ago, when we moved to Eagle Mountain.
I - Indulgence(s): Sweedish Fish and Red Vines. I could eat an entire bag of each at one sitting. Disgusting I know.
J - January or July: July. I can’t say that I have ever been a winter person, but especially now after surviving my first winter in Utah. I don’t think I was ever intended to live like that.
K - Kids: I have one beautiful daughter Hannah. We waited so long and prayed so hard to get her here, and after 6 ½ years she finally joined our family. She brings us so much joy and makes us laugh every day.
L - Life is incomplete without: Chad and Hannah (corny I know, but very true)
M - Marriage Date: September 17, 1999
N - Number of Siblings: 4; sisters Jennifer, Jami, Jeri and Jaci. I know the “J” thing is a little much, but I didn’t have any say in it.
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges. Actually, tangerines. I don’t really like peeling Oranges, but tangerines are fast and perfect for my short attention span.
P - Phobias or Fears: Alligators and Crocodiles. Don’t ask me where that came from, but I used to have a recurring nightmare about falling into the Alligator exhibit at the San Diego Zoo. One time my friend Amber actually brought me back some Gator Chowder from Gator-Land in Florida. Thanks Amber.
Q - Quotes: I don’t know the exact quote, but it was given by President Hunter. In essence, it says that in order to know Christ more than we know Him, we must love him more than we love Him, and serve Him more valiantly than we serve Him. This is good for me, because I find that it is rather easy for me to become complacent.
S - Season: SUMMER!, I am definitely a California girl.
T - Tag Three Friends:Amber, Jaci, and Devin.

U- Unknown fact about me: When I was younger and my mom asked me to go clean my room, instead of putting my clothes away, I would put them on. I would sometimes have five layers of clothes on by the time I was finished, complete with a belt around my head. It is funny, because yesterday I came home from school and Hannah had six pairs of panties on. Like Mother, Like Daughter.
V - Very favorite store: TARGET. I just love Target, it is definitely a one stop shop.
W - Worst habit: Keeping Organized. I have the hardest time with this one. I usually just start making piles, which never allows me to find what I need. One day one of my students told me that she prayed for me that I wouldn’t loose anything. You know it’s bad when a six year old thinks she needs to pray for her teacher.
X - X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound. The only ultrasounds I have ever had was when I was pregnant, but there is nothing like seeing that little life for the first time.
Y - Your favorite food: Pork salad from Café Rio. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I go several times a week. Good thing Jaci is always willing to go with me.

Z - Zodiac: Leo


Amber said...

Okay Jodi...I love it! I totally accepted the challange and did it too.

Amber said...

Oops...I mean challenge!