Thursday, April 9, 2009

You might be a teacher if...

So I have seen this before, but I just got it off my friend Beth's blog.  If you are a teacher, if you know a teacher, or if you have kids and have ever been in the classroom,  you will enjoy this.

1. You might be a teacher if you believe the playground should be equipped with a Ritalin salt lick.
2. You might be a teacher if you want to slap the next person who says, "Must be nice to wrk 8 to 3:30 and have summers off.
3.  You might be a teacher if it is difficult to name your own child because there's no name you can come up with that doesn't bring high blood pressure as it is uttered.
4.  You might be a teacher if you can tell it's a full moon or if its going to rain, snow, hail...anything!!! Without ever looking outside.
5.  You might be a teacher if you believe 'shallow gene pool' should have its own box on a report card.
6.  You might be a teacher if you believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says "Boy, the kids sure are mellow today."
7.  You might be a teacher if when out in public, you feel the urge to snap your fingers at children you do not know and correct their behavior.
8. You might be a teacherif you have no social life between August and June.
9.  You might be a teacher if you think people should have a government permit before being allowed to reproduce.
10.  You might be a teacher if you wonder how some parents MANAGED to reproduce.
11.  You might be a teacher if you laugh uncontrollable when people refer to the staff roum as the "lounge"
12.  You might be a teacher if you encourage an obnoxious parent to check into charter schools or home schooling and are willing to donate the UHAUL boxes should they decide to move out of the district.
13.  You might be a teacher if you think caffeine should be available in intravenous form.
14.  You might be a teacher if you can't imagine how the ACLU could think of covering your students chair with Velcro and then requiring uniforms made out of the corresponding Velcro could ever be misunderstood by the public.
15.  You might be a teacher if a child's parent instantly answers this question "Why is this kid like this?"
16.  You might be a teacher if you would choose a mammogram over a parent teacher conference.
17.  You might be a teacher if you think someone should invent antibacterial pencils and crayons... and desks and chairs for that matter!
18.  You might be a teacher if the words 'I have a college debt for this?" has ever come out of your mouth.
19.  You might be a teacher if you know how many days, minutes, and seconds are left in the school year!
I am definately looking forward to spring break!  


Nisha said...

It's a good thing I know you are sane and like your job...this would make me wonder.

The Peterson's said...

I read that on beth's it is sure cute and so much of it is true!

McMackin Family said...

Love this! I had never heard of it. It's great!

Christina said...

So sorry things are looking down for you. I am giving my lesson on Sunday and it is on, "Adversity is only but for a small moment." I definitely need to hear that most times than not. I will pray for you guys. What a wonderful little family you have. Let us know how H. does. By now I hope she is well. I hate to hear about little ones being sick.

Amber said...

SOOOOO FUNNY!!! I love it! And yes, Jared and Stacy had a little boy. Damon. He is absolutely adorable and just sweet as candy. I love him to death!!! You have to meet's love at first sight! Zac has a little boy that is just as amazing. He has the cutest laugh and smiles everytime I look at him. They are too sweet!

Jessa said...

So my mom is a teacher and I had to chuckle at all of these because I have heard them many times througout the years!