Monday, May 4, 2009

Whenever I hear the song of a bird

Tonight we had a family home evening lesson on the things that Heavenly Father created for us.  It was a great lesson and Hannah was so cute about it, she is just so smart.  I decided that this would be a great lesson for tonight since Daddy took Hannah on her first hike this afternoon.  I thought we could talk about all of the things that she saw on her hike that Heavenly Father has created for us.  The lesson was great, and then afterward for our activity, we went outside and painted a picture of the world around us.  Once we were finished with our activity we brought Hannah in the house for a bath.  As she got undressed for bath, I noticed something black on her leg.  Sure enough, she had a tick in her leg.  GROSS!!!  I immediately called Chad upstairs to take a look at it, and Hannah started freaking out about having a bug in her leg.  After we got it out, she said, "Mom, I know that Heavenly Father created that bug that was in my leg, but I think her knows that he made a bad choice when he decided to go into my leg."  I had a hard time not laughing at that one.  She was being so pathetic, I had to get some of it on video.  This is definitely after she calmed down quite a bit!


Nisha said...

Yikes! I'm so glad you saw it!!! Yesterday when we were tearing out my nasty hollyhocks, I was just waiting for a black widow to attack us. Ewe.

devanddar said...

Brave little Hannah! I love how she said it was because it didn't have a home. That is really gross that she got a tick!