Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Little Gymnist

For the last several months I have been looking for some sort of a class to sign Hannah up for. I am a little bit concerned that she is already getting a slight case on only child's syndrome. And since we are not ready for another baby, I thought the next best thing would be to get her into something where she would have to learn how to play with other kids. I soon learned that people who teach classes are not ready to deal with two year olds, and I can't say that I blame them. The only class that I found that was for kids under the age of three, was a mom and tot gymnastics class. Of coarse I jumped on it and signed her up as soon as I could. It was actually a long process that involved me getting up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning and being ready to sign her up online. After a sleepless night of worrying about whether she would get in or not I was able to sign her up without too much pain. I know by now you are thinking that I am a overactive, neurotic parent who needs to get out more. Well maybe so, but oh well I can't change.
So yesterday was her first day of class and she loved every minute of it. I on the other hand was a little jealous that I had to go to work and Chad got to take her. (If you ask Chad, he was a little nervous that he would be the only dad in a MOM and tot class). Nothing like making it a family affair right. I left work during recess to go home and get her ready to go and take a few pictures and then I made Chad bring her to school during lunchtime to tell me all about it. All went well and Chad and Hannah totally enjoyed themselves. Here are a few pictures to document the whole occasion.


Natalie Kay said...

SOOOO CUTE! I love picturing your husband at the gymnastics class. Did they teach him how to do the splits or a back bend or anything?

I'm sorry you had to miss out!

Cindi said...

How sweet is that. Next thing you know, she'll be at the olympics. Priceless.