Thursday, January 15, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I know it has been a couple of weeks since the holidays, but I haven't had any time before now to post any Christmas pictures. We had a very quiet and interesting Christmas this year. Hannah didn't wake up until 11:00 in the morning on Christmas morning, and when she did wake up, she was really sick. She opened a few gifts and then went back to bed for a couple of hours. Around 2:00 she got back up and opened the rest of her gifts. Luckily when she woke up in the afternoon she was feeling a little bit better and she had an enjoyable time with her gifts. Hannah is an interesting child in that she doesn't just tear into a gift and throw it aside. She has to open it, look at it, examine it, and then play with it. This makes the entire process a little bit longer, but definately more enjoyable for all of us. It is fun to see her really enjoying her gifts. Here are a few fun pictures of our holidays

I just thought this picture was so cute. When Hannah came downstairs and saw the tree she just sat in front of it and stared for quite a long time.

I would say that Hannah's favorite present was her Batman pajamas and her Batman dolls. I know with all that work I did making her princess doll clothes, all I really needed to do was buy new jammies.

On New Year's Eve we went to our good friend Devin's family ball. It was a lot of fun to watch Hannah with the other kids. First of all she loved getting all dressed up. Secondly, she loves being around other kids. She is really social. Michael was a little reluctant to dance with Hannah, but she would not leave him alone until he did. It was so cute!

What a great dancer, I think she gets that from me!! ha ha


Nisha said...

What a goofball! I didn't know you got her Batman jammies and dolls. Maybe she'll lose interest after her princess party.

Thanks for stopping over yesterday! It was a much needed Jodi visit :)

Jamy said...

HEY! I have NO idea why, but blogger hasn't been showing me your updates! =( Anyways, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Christmas dress you made her! Did I tell you that? Yeah, I know... I'm saying it again! BEAUTIFUL!

The Peterson's said...

Yay for Christmas! Hannah loks so cute in that dress. You do great work!