Saturday, June 27, 2009

Her Part 2

So I thought Hannah's imaginary friend would come and go pretty quickly, but to my surprise, she is very much alive in the heart of my dear little one.  Every day it is something new with Her.  The other day I was cleaning in the kitchen with my music on, and Hannah was dancing around me (like usual).  Pretty soon I hear her say, "Come on Her dance with me."  I look over and she is holding the air like she's holding two hands.  A few seconds later she says, "You are a great dancer, I am so proud of you."  Then just yesterday I had to pull over in the car because I forgot to put Her's seat belt on.  It has been fun to watch the development of Hannah's love for Her.  Here are a few new things we have learned about Her.
  • Her loves going to Seven Peaks and want to go every day.
  • Her doesn't like vegetables of any kind.
  • Her sometimes fights with Hannah's other friends in the neighborhood, but she tries to be nice.
  • Her doesn't like daddy's new tarantula (a different story)
  • Her loves to play dress ups.
  • Her's favorite food is Lucky Charms!
More about Her later.


Jaime said...

Tarantula!!!!! You're kidding right? Let me know when it's gone and I'll come to your house again!!! -JK-

The Peterson's said...

So fun! I just love listing to Hannah! and what is with the tarantula?