Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Dog or a Horse

So last night we went to dinner with my Aunt Billie and cousins, Eliza and Cody.  Eliza lives in California, and she is here for a couple of days visiting.  I haven't been to their house in forever, but when I walked in, I was greeted by a horse.  Now I just got done reading Pippy Longstocking to my kids, so I am perfectly aware that some people have horses in their house as pets.  No really, it was actually a huge DOG!  I couldn't believe it.  My first thought was that Hannah was going to freak out when she came in.  To my surprise she was totally cool with it.  To her it was totally normal and cool.  Who is this child anyway?  She just went right up the horse/dog and started playing like nothing was strange about it.  Kids sure do have a funny way of surprising you don't they.

1 comment:

devanddar said...

Holy smokes that is a big dog! It doesn't surprise me in the least that it didn't even faze Hannah. Brave little girl.