Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pink Eye

So Hannah has her first case of pink eye.  I feel really bad for her and her eye looks so bad.  On Monday night for family night we went to the Legacy Center to go swimming.  I am sure that is where she picked it up.  Not only do I feel bad for her, but I am really grossed out by the fact that she got it at the pool.  Now, I am not totally naive enough to think that there aren't gross things involved with public pools, but I have never been a victim of "pool poison".  

Yesterday after we took her to the doctor she discovered that she was going to have to put drops in her eyes.  I was a little worried about this because ever since she got soap in her eyes over the summer, she freaks out if we even get a little bit of water in her eyes in the bathtub.  After much coaxing and a few treats, we were successful with her first experience with eye drops.  Way to go Hannah, we are so proud of you, and we hope you start feeling better really soon.
As a side note, we decided to have her 3 year check up at the same time and Hannah is in the 73rd percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight.  


Nisha said...

Sophie didn't get it. Poor Hannah! I'm glad she's being a trooper with the eye drops.

raising4boys said...

Hope you can still make it A.D. tomorrow. Pink eye is the worst!

The Peterson's said...

Wow she is tall! Sadness about the eye though!

Jessa said...

Yeah, Kira has an eye thing going on right now too and I put drops in her eyes tonight. You would think I was trying to gouge her eyes out with spoons by the way she reacted!